High self-esteem and happiness come from goal congruence, from setting and achieving goals for your life that are consistent with what you believe. 高度自尊心和幸福感来自于目标的切合,即所谓设定和实现那些与你信念一致的人生追求。
Such ideal state can be titled as goal congruence, which refers to a firm's striving to achieve a common set of objectives. 这种企业共同努力以实现组织目标的理想状态被称作目标一致性状态。
Goal congruence occurs when a manager's goal and actions are in the best interests of both the segment and the organization overall. 目标一致是指各部门经理的目标与行动应以部门和企业整体的最大利益为依据。
Goal congruence will not come about automatically. 一个组织的经营是不可能自动达到目标一致性状态的。
Ensure goal congruence and alignment to focus your efforts on what matters. 确保目标是一致的且能将资源调整聚焦在有关的事情上。
Besides, to maintain the relationships, three different governance mechanisms against the poisonous effects of opportunism ex post are suggested: bilateral idiosyncratic investments, goal congruence, and interpersonal trust. 另外,伙伴关系得以长期维系必须倚靠防卫事后机会主义的三种治理模式:双边特定关系投资、信任与共同规范、目标一致性。
Cooperative competition mechanism is the base for the mutiple subjects to realize the goal congruence. 合作竞争机制是多元主体实现目标一致性的制度基础。